Children & Youth Ministries
Adventure Club
A weekly program from 4:30-6pm PM on Wednesdays, with games, crafts and stories for children ages 4 - grade 6. Claire Erickson is our leader for Adventure Club. Summer break begins May 1st.
Sunday mornings are fun and a little crazy as we learn about God, Using the Bible and Living for Jesus. We are currently using the Answers Bible Curriculum. Children grades 2 - 6 welcome. Meets at 10:30 AM Sundays during the Morning Worship Service in the gym and TeamKid room. Valerie Billington, Julie & Doug Merow lead this ministry. Visitors welcome!

Elevate - Youth Group
Weekly gathering for junior and high school students on Wednesday evenings, from 7:00-9:00 pm (or so...) during the school year. Each meeting includes music, Bible Study, games, open gym and gameroom and informal "hanging out" time. Adult supervision is gently provided. Andrew Billington (our associate pastor) leads the meetings.
2022 Community Vacation Bible School
Every June our local churches gather together to provide one great Bible School experience for the area children.