For our Bible reading in 2025 I plan to go through the Psalms in a year. That means we’ll read about 7 verses on average (which will be included in the devotional and taken from the WEB version of the Bible), have comments on them, and then hopefully have a link to a song that relates to the passage. I hope that many of you will join me on this journey!  You can find the link on this website, like our church page on Facebook, or follow along at

Special Event!

On Sunday, February 9, we'll be gathering to watch the Super Bowl together.  Taco's are provided, but feel free to bring your favorite snack to share.  During halftime we'll watch the awards ceremony for the 1998 Bart Star award.  That year was the only time there were co-recipients: Bret Jones and Irving Fryer.  You should find their remarks inspirational!




How to Find Us

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First Baptist Church
2622 S. Bayshore Drive Sister Bay, Wisconsin 54234
United States
Phone: 920.854.2544 Fax 920.854.2332